Thursday, April 15, 2010

45 Days Until the Puig Ultimatum Scavenger Hunt 2010

Just 45 more days until the Puig Ultimatum Scavenger Hunt. The anticipation is growing and the strategies are being plotted. Here is a list of things that would be helpful for you to know about Scavenger Hunt 2010.
  1. This Hunt is like no other that we've planned in the past.
  2. 60 people maximum will play. (about 15 teams)
  3. Over 40 people have already RSVP'd (last day to RSVP is May 8th)
  4. Team assignments have begun.
  5. Internet access on your cell or ipod will be very helpful the day of the Hunt. This site will be used on the day of the Hunt.
  6. GPS will be golden on the day of the Hunt.
  7. Taking photos is part of the Hunt so a camera will be absolutely critical.
  8. Each person attending will be an International Secret Agent for the day. Think Jason Bourne.
  9. Each person should plan on giving the driver of their team $3 for gas.
  10. You may want to bring snacks and water for your team to share to keep you energized and hydrated during the Hunt.
  11. Girls, dress cute and comfy. You will be doing a lot of moving around and in and out of the car. Don't weigh your team down with high heels.
  12. Guys, dress sporty and comfy. It will likely be a hot day.
  13. The Scavenger Hunt Dinner will be catered. If you'd like to help out with the cost we would greatly appreciate it. Please see the link on the right side bar.

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